
dental pulp stem cellregenerationregenerativestoragetherapeuticcryopreservationdeciduous teeth

Bank your child's stem cells to protect them against cancer, bone disease and spinal cord injuries in later life (and renew their teeth).

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The statement outlines the significant potential of dental stem cells in regenerative medicine within the next 10-15 years. The stem cell banking market is projected to grow substantially, with deciduous teeth being a promising source of stem cells due to ease of collection and low risk of rejection. Tooth4Life plans to derive revenue through subscription payments from customers for processing, storage, and treatment release fees. Additionally, the company aims to generate income from selling surplus stem cells to the research and pharmaceutical sectors, with donors receiving royalties. The use of stem cells in personalized medicine could lead to long-term cost savings for healthcare systems by optimizing treatments and improving outcomes for chronic diseases. The availability of surplus high-quality stem cells from Tooth4Life offers researchers the opportunity to develop better drugs and treatments.